Do I look scary to you?

We all have those women in our life that might intimidate us. They seem to have it all together and we feel 'less than' somehow when we compare ourselves to them.

Come to find out - one lady that was my scary woman, actually told me I was hers. Oh my!

comparing insides to outsides.png

I mean it is great that someone - anyone would think i have my act together.

But I know me. I know the real me - the messy me that can put on my Sunday best and clean up nicely. I know what happens when I compare my 'insides' with another woman's outsides. It can be scary.

What happens when two 'scary women' come together and share hearts. They usually find out they need each other! Just as they are!

Are YOU someone's scary woman?

Whatcha gonna do about it?

(originally published 9,16, 2019 during the launch of my book EnVision YOU)