21 Day Challenge
Capture the STILL…
prompting my heart to Be STILL and KNOW God:
his Voice &His invitation
In the middle of it all…
those are words that have stood out to me over and over this past year.
In the middle of the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the celebration and the grief, the beauty and the mess, the viruses and the wars…
in the middle of it ALL…
God is significantly working. In my life and yours too no doubt.
When you stop to pay attention, what do you notice?
I notice His presence. I am grateful. Too often though, i let the moment pass by and all too quickly I am off to do the next thing and care for my next loved one. And I MISS something important.
So here’s what I wonder:
When God shows up in my world with a message just for me, do I actually hear it?
or do I just sense an “Ah that’s nice” moment, I might even call it a God thing without giving it proper attention.In that moment, am I patting him on the hand and saying to God, ‘That’s nice honey!” (like we often give our kids or our husband) and run off to be important in someone else’s life.
If GOD shows up it seems like it is important, right?
Yet I so often treat it flippantly or promise that I’ll come back to it later in the day when I have time to think about it. But I seldom do. Or when I do the impact of the message is lost along with the intent that my Creator may have had for it.
I miss an precious moment in a relationship that I say is important to me.
If I struggle with this - I wonder if you do too.
I know personally the sunshine and temps of any given day can easily determine how I’m feeling. The grayer the day- the more dismal my mood is. I have tried to ‘work through it’, but that often results in my body screaming ‘nope, nope, nope’ you are done. I end up sleeping the rest of the day.
How do you respond to those moments?
Does God show up then too?
On a day when you working to control your moods or dealing with health issues or struggling to manage all the voices coming at you that consume your thoughts and energy?
Oh yes, girl friend! He’s still there!
So what can you do during this uncertain time to face - or to help others face, or even breakthrough whatever life throws at you? What is one way to help move women from the loss, grief or stuck place they feel to a place of embracing who they really are and what they can do next with joy and grace.
My answer?
I’m inviting you to a 21 DAY experience starting today. No matter when you sign up—- you can start your 21 day journey!
This time is designed to prompt us to Be STILL and CAPTURE the messages and the moments in our life where God is breaking into our world and inviting us to ...
pay attention to what is happening around us.
SEE the people in the relationships we value.
really listen to the conversations we have.
be filled with gratitude.
It gives us space to recognize when our Creator God brings something into our life to touch the heart of YOU and me. We are His Beloved!
Capture the STILL plays on two sides of the word STILL.
The STILL as in a “single snapshot of a moving frame" that helps us to SEE what is significant in the random moments of our life, and to notice what they are pointing us to.
The STILL as in STILLness that is available to us as we look beyond the circumstances, the uncertainty, and the emotions to see the opportunity to just BE.
As our hearts are prompted to notice the STILL, we find a calm and experience gratitude in our spirit. We begin to relax and embrace unexpected contentment in the everyday. We can sense a new purpose and explore clearer direction for our next steps.
What would that feel like for those things to be true for you?
How do you make that happen?
Well, it is not a matter of DOing, but rather of taking intentional steps of BEing… STILL.
When we are STILL enough to quiet the noise in our heads and listen for the moments and messages happening around us, we can capture the calm, the peace, the STILLNESS that allows us to face the uncertain future with hope.
When we can BE STILL enough to take our eyes off the situations that frighten us to the core, we can breakthrough to SEE what God is inviting us to and step forward with greater confidence and grateful hearts. .
The Capture the STILL invitation is to BE STILL.
Take 10 Minutes a day
- just 10 minutes
for 21 Days
and Pivot
to those moments when
God shows up in your life.
And Be Grateful!
This challenge is something you can do on your own. You don't need me - or this event - to just BE STILL and pay attention to what is really going on around you.
But will you?
You may have the very best of intentions. You are a ‘take initiative, take charge” kind of girl. Then other things begin to crowd in, you get distracted with urgent matters and pretty soon you realize you are not doing what you said you would do. Even for 10 minutes.
(Ask me how I know?)
AND it’s not just important that we NOTICE where God is showing up. The transformation comes in listening to what he is inviting us to - and believing him to the point of doing something about it.
That's where Capture the STiLL can help give you direction and accountability to do what you already want to do.
Capture the STILL is part self study and part coaching community.
Through out the 21 days, you will receive...
Daily emails with thoughts to ponder & clues for what to listen for in your 10 minutes of reflection.
The S.N.A.P. framework (Stop, Notice, Ask, Pivot) you can use to pay attention to significant moments - both now and in your past. As you set aside time to reflect on what we are noticing, you will have a framework to see what God is saying to you and inviting you to. This exercise will bring stillness to your spirit and confidence to your next steps. You will find a host of ways to make your remarkable difference - even during this challenging time in our world.
a journal that you can print off and record your thoughts, (or you can use one of your own.)
We are living in a challenging time. We are busy, life-filled women. There is no better season of the year to take some proactive next steps and help a friend at the same time.
And it all starts with just paying attention for 10 minutes a day for 21 days!
Let's do this together!
Prompt Your Heart to BE STILL and Know God
Here's what some former members have said.
“ I enjoyed the class so much! I especially appreciated your insightful questions! You are doing something so many people need! Thanks for using your gifts and your grief in such an incredible way!
It’s a combination only God could put together! It’s truly beautiful, Kathy!
I saw that there are alot of “snap” moments in my day. Something I wasn’t as aware of before.
They seem endless now that I’m noticing. I am truly blessed. Thank you for making me more aware.”
“I had no clue why God prompted me to join you this month, but boy howdy did he dig up some stuff I had festering pretty deep. He used this to clean out the wound and start my healing...
You have the message HE has blessed and anointed you for.”
“Woke up early so I decided to do my STILL time. Keep feeling the Lord tell me that “I am enough”.
I often feel inadequate and compare myself to others. I really felt reassured this morning
that I am growing in my walk with the Lord and that’s what matters. ”
“I finally did my 10 minutes a short time ago. I had my journal in front of me because I knew the voices in my head would be trying to get their 2 cents in. First I wrote “list of things to do”...then I quickly started to write...
”It’s OK! Do as you can. Take care of yourself. I’m right here with you, just hold my hand. I’ll never let go.
Breathe in my Love!”
Wow!!! I’m looking forward to the next few days. Thanks Kathy for doing this at a difficult time of the year for me. ”
So just to review…
Reserve your spot in the Capture the Still event
This would regularly cost $67. Join us now for $47.
Invite a friend along on the journey. (Be sure they register to get all the personal info sent to them.)
Not only do you get the support and encouragement you need to help you intentionally pay attention to the significant moments that are happening in these incredible days. But you join a community of women who are in the journey with you to make a remarkable difference even in the middle of these uncertain times.
Let’s do this…
Prompt your heart to BE STILL and KNOW GOD
and CAPTURE THE STILL He invites you to.