A Gift from Me to You!
How did God show up?
After my daughter died, I was often asked this question by people, especially grieving mommas, who desperately wanted to know.
• How can I see God?
• Has God showed up and we missed him?
• Are we hearing from God, but don't hear because it is not what we are used to hearing?
• Could God really show up in a new way for me?
When we are in the middle of a crisis, it is so difficult to learn something new. All of our faculties are absorbed with survival. And it is almost impossible to honestly get our former knowledge about anything, but especially about God, to wrap around our emotions and our behaviors. Even though we try to do all the right things, nothing we say or do makes much sense and it doesn't make the pain go away.
At a time in my life when I was forced to be born again; to learn to live all over again, to crawl, and to walk. I began with the basics like ABC’s, 123's, Jesus loves me this I know kind of beginning again.
Every day I had to learn:
• to hope
• to trust
• to live as me, only different.
• to live with all of my senses even while I feared more loss and all that came with it.
to recognize God to be different and bigger than I ever knew him to be.
Want to know more about the book, click here!
Leisha's death was a Red Sea Moment for me; a turning point moment when I began to see HOPE - Green Hope show up every day.
What’s your RED SEA story?
I would love to send you chapter 15:
110 days of Green
from my book, Lovely Traces of Hope.
I tell more of my story and more of the Red Sea story from the book of Exodus.
May it help you SEE GOD in your own journey.
Request your copy below.