You don’t have to take my word for it!

EnVision YOU Group Members

Samara Barber, Friendship, TX

I'm not fearful anymore about that. And, you know, I didn't even really realize that I was fearful. I thought I was guarded. 

I thought I was protecting myself,  you know, we can camouflage and we can, like you said, put those masks on, but mask what's truly inside to myself even.  

 I'm looking forward to more intimacy with the Lord. 

I'm looking forward to filling myself up. So then out of that overflow, that's when you minister to other people. So I'm excited about getting full again.


Barb Scott, Pandora, OH

"I have not historically given myself very much grace. At all. I think I should be able to do it.  I don't know why I can't do it. Those were the messages, and when life cranked up, my pressure cooker really got high. I just, I just kind of short-circuited. 

What's been so good about this is you all telling me "be gracious to yourself. You've been through another a trauma." It's like I couldn't see it when I was in it until there were people who understood it.  

I guess I just haven't been in a group of people like this before that I really felt like I could be authentic with, or will just ask me the hard questions. That's been the biggest thing.  

And then the length of time has been good too. It's not like it was a retreat and it was a quick fix. And I went back home and thought, oh, I can do this. You know, I'm pumped up.  

This was more of a reckoning. I mean, it was like a pulling apart. And then I'm putting back in and all the while learning how to be more gracious to myself.... 

I'm proud of myself for going this far and doing all the steps. Maybe I had more luck with some steps than others. Some are more clear than others, but it's super important. So I am eternally grateful."


Kelly Clum, Ada, Ohio

Kelly - EnV Group 6 21.jpeg

Debbie thompson, Bowling Green, Ohio


“I can’t quite express how EnVision YOU impacted me. For the first time, I was able to articulate my defining moment clearly. I knew the source because I replay it often, but I had never put into words the true devastation I felt and my response to it. Now I fully get it! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for that.” - Tamela P.

“Kathy has a way of inviting you into a conversation. It’s like a cozy chat with a dear friend. You can kick your shoes off and be comfortable. At the same time, you will roll up your sleeves and get to work.  Kathy’s tender compassion shines through her work, yet she cares enough to ask us to dig down deep and answer the hard questions that will move us forward on our journey of becoming more and more of who we truly are. Grab a friend and take this next step. No more excuses!” - Lori P.

I enjoyed the class so much! I especially appreciated your insightful questions! You are doing something so many people need! Thanks for using your gifts and your grief in such an incredible way! It's a combination only God could put together! It's truly beautiful, Kathy!” ~ Deb W.


UNSticking the Stuck Thinking Masterclass

I can honestly say I know at least one major  thing that has caused me to be stuck now.  Thank you so much for helping me to think through some very important things that were truly affecting me.  I found just these 4 days to be a huge help.  As I said before I now know I am not alone in the struggle and can think a little more clearly. 
I am so appreciative of your help.  I almost feel like my old self again I just needed to acknowledge that sometimes we need help!! Donna C

You are a precious Mother and woman of God, that in, and through your loss, you are letting God use you to help other hurting people, and even me. You are so real and dear and lovely, I wish I lived near you and could spend more time with you.  Jane J

 I'm having trouble being comfortable with being comfortable with where I am, who I am and what I'm doing... (LOL does that make any sense?)  Dawnita F

Give yourself a gift of living guilt-free girl!!!!! This class helped me. It will help you!!  Samara B 

 I had no clue why God prompted me to join you this month, but boy howdy did he dig up some stuff I had festering pretty deep. He used you to clean out the wound and start my healing. You've also got some superfans that are totally on your team and they were a big help too. You have the message HE has blessed and anointed you for, Dawnita F