Seven years ago this month (1/11/11), I created my first coaching website ( and sent out my first ever business newsletter introducing the launch of GREEN HOPE COACHING with KATHY BURRUS.
I have been privileged to work with amazing women, men and couples as clients and peers. It has been an honor to walk with them as they overcame tremendous losses and found victory in their best next steps.
It hasn't been without it's challenges though- namely, me! I never dreamed of being an entrepreneur. It wasn't something I imagined or had on a bucket list for 'someday'. GHC came about as I wrestled to re-discover who I was after our daughter, Leisha, died and we left the only career I had ever dreamed of doing.
Life happens that way sometimes. We have a plan- a really good plan, then circumstances change, or tragedy happens and we are forced to do life very differently. Yet out of my hot mess, I was able to partner with many others who are struggling to move past their own issues.
My business is called GREEN HOPE COACHING With KATHY BURRUS. For the past seven years, I have been working, serving, growing the GREEN HOPE COACHING side to help people see green hope in a brown world. I have cherished that opportunity and will continue to serve in that way, partly because I get the importance of it in my own life, but largely because loss is inevitable for all of us. I know how hard it is to find hope in those dark times. It can feel lonely, but we do not need to walk alone.
But in the past 6-8 months, I began to notice a 'discomfort' within myself. I felt like I was squirming and throwing elbows in an effort to break free of something. It seemed like every new coaching option I was presenting was 'failing' to draw interest from the GHC community.
In a pointed conversation with my strategy consultant (and friend) Bethany Bennett, I began to see that my fall offerings for GHC are different than previous offering. I am different than when I started 7 years ago. I'm different than I was a year ago. I am at a new place emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. (more about that here!)
Kathy Burrus, the person, is being reawakened after what has been a very long dark night of the soul. I'm still a grieving mom. I will continue to struggle with embracing the reality of life and letting go of my past expectations of it. perspective on all of that has changed. How I process all that is different now. That translates into the writing I do, the coaching I offer and the relationships i build as well.
So I'm delighted to share with you that KATHY BURRUS, the other half of the GREEN HOPE COACHING WITH KATHY BURRUS business, is being birthed as a result.
I believe that every woman is a uniquely designed individual with strengths and abilities to accomplish remarkable things in their world. (Men too- but this site is focused on the remarkable woman) Whether it is in your workplace, your relationships or your community, you play a role that may be similar, but still unique to who you are and how you think, work and play.
“I want to help you BE your best, most remarkable version of you! ”
You are invited to visit this "second child", KATHYBURRUS.COM, (you may want to read this blog post for that last comment to make sense.)
I started to tell you about the new and upcoming groups and coaching available, but that's almost like having you come visit a new baby and spending all the time telling you all the dreams I have for that child. There will be time for that in the days ahead.
All you really want to do right now is hold the baby.
So...spend some time here. Take a look around. Explore the pages and the coaching offerings listed. See what works for you.
(You may find a gliche- or two. I'm a DIY'er so it's completely probable. Please let me know if something isn't working. But remember- this is my baby, so I appreciate your grace. Unofficially was born 1/18/18. But we had a little trouble getting her ready for viewing- namely me!)
Please, share this good news with other women in your world that are ready to take their next best steps forward. I am excited about the places we will go, the things we will do and the beauty we will behold as a result.
Thanks for celebrating with me!