Have you every tried to take a bold, next step and found yourself shaking in your boots because of the risk you are taking?
Every once in a while, I find myself trying to make some decisions about life, or business that just scare me! A lot! Mostly because in some way, I'm getting ready to take a risk - again.
Seven years ago, I took a risk of starting this business known as Green Hope Coaching with Kathy Burrus. Steps I took then were a lot scary. I knew so little about being a coach/ entrepreneur. Never thought I'd be starting my own business, yet I was. Each step I took seemed monumental. Yes, I was scared- but not the terrified kind of scared, but an anxious curiousity about whether this could work.
Well, it hasn't 'worked' like I had imagined, but I have learned so very much and hopefully grown in many ways- and helped others in the process. To the point that I am taking 'risks' again. What does that look like? Well, honestly I'm not sure yet. But once again I am scared curious to see what will come out of this.
Tanya with my brother Brad
I had a chance to talk with a remarkable woman who is a RFx Circle Lexus Earner with Rodan & Fields. She also happens to be my sister-in-love, Tanya who went from being a remarkable teacher to business owner with over 4000 women on her team.
In a recent unexpected visit to her home, when my flight was canceled in Amarillo,
I asked her what she has learned about herself in the process of building her business and found her answer to be profound.
I learned I have GRIT that a lot of people don't have. I think that came from a BELIEF I didn't know I had and it shows up with a DETERMINATION to do the things
others don't want to do.
I have pondered her words often since we talked.
She believed that her Rodan & Fields business could allow her to retire from teaching and still have a lifestyle where she could generously bless others. Her belief in her product and in her ability to share the business with others gave her the courage and determination to do the 'hard' stuff.
- She made connections
- She learned how to tell her story.
- She made the ask, over and over. If someone said no- that was ok. She knew there was someone else who would see the opportunity and believe in it as much as she did.
Those are things that are hard for many people. I know. I was/ am one who struggles with some of this.
Yet, so often when I talk with a REMARKABLE WOMAN, I find that they don't believe they are the smartest, or most talented woman in the world. But the remarkable success came when persisted at their goal. They didn't quit- no matter what.
That takes GRIT!
So the questions I have asked myself- and I now ask you are:
What are you BELIEVING?
- about yourself?
- about your service to the world?
- about God's role in your life and service?
Are your beliefs giving you courage to take risks or creating fear that paralyzes you?
What 'hard thing' are you determined to do? Are you committed to do the hard thing no matter what?
I've got next steps in my life that need more GRIT! How about you?
Leave a comment below to share one way you are going to use GRIT to be Remarkable this week. I'll be sharing some of mine in the weeks ahead. Keep watching!
Tanya- Thanks for sharing out of your journey! Brad, love seeing your support in the process! Grateful for you both!