You sense God is inviting you to something MORE!
but it feels too hard. You are not sure it will make a difference.

It’s TIME!
Click here to join us “for such a time as this”


"En" Changes Things!

…there are times we create this VISION for what we want for our family, or our career or our LIFE!

We perhaps set goals, we make plans, we study those plans and add dates to our calendar.  Then we get to work doing all of those things.  Sometimes it works.  Many times it works for a little while (think New Year's Resolutions). 

Then the urgent things of life step in and demand attention, and our STUCK places insist on becoming more bothersome with each forward step we try to take.  Our VISION soon becomes nothing more than fine words on a pretty page, or dates on a calendar. 

Ho-hum!  Not again!

Then… Ta Da! 

In soars our super-hero EN to the rescue!