Senior Recital

Vision is Born in The Space Between

As you look at your LIFE's HIGHWAY, what do you see down the road? Maybe it's one year, maybe five years. 

The conversations is had this week have more to do with what's in our way rather than the destination. We will talk about the more see we go. But our purposed this week it's to talk vision. What do we see down the road?

If I were to ask you to describe how you picture your life in ten years, chances are you could paint a fairly clear picture.  You might have some idea of where you want to be financially, or you could describe what you hope to achieve professionally.  You may have some sense of the relationships you want in your life.

Andy Stanley says in his book Visioneering,

"you would be able to look beyond what is and paint a picture of what could be—and in some cases what should be—true of your life. That’s vision."

In my coaching practice, there is a dramatic difference in the people…