The Remarkable Gift of SHOWING UP You!
-- how the 30 day challenge challenged me.
The past 30 plus days have been an interesting experiment for me to SHOW UP each day to my GHC community.
To remind you, it was while attending the Social Media Week Lima 2018 conference in June, that coach and speaker Tiffany Lanier (#LivewithTiffany), challenged me to SHOW UP!
"I don't know how it will change you - or your community- but I know it will. Just SHOW UP!"
Her words struck to the core of me. Last fallm at the 2017 TRIBEWRITER conference I attend each year, the message I came home with from Jeff Goins and friends was "Don't quit. SHOW UP. Don't starve."
I was starving. Oh not literally, obviously, since I'm in a battle to lose weight right now. But I was starving in the sense that I was struggling to connect with my clients and therefore generate enough income to not just pay some bills, but provide for other things as well.
As Tiffany shared her wisdom with me I realized I wasn't SHOWING UP. In fact the only thing I had done was NOT QUIT. Though I thought about it several times. Ren had to talk me down more than once when I suggested that perhaps I should just go get a J.O.B and let someone else tell me what to do. And pay me regularly. Ren keeps reminding me that this is what I am supposed to be doing.
But I was 'starving' because I was not SHOWING UP! I knew it as soon as Tiffany spoke those words.
So I have! For 30 days now I have been SHOWING UP on my Facebook Live personal page. And so have you!