NEW GROUPS ARE forming NOW: (Scroll down to find out more)
get out of your head,
leave doubt, failure & loss behind
and find the joy and confidence
you’ve always wanted.
If you are done with taking care of everyone else’s needs while your own get shoved under the carpet…
If you’re feeling stuck and just can’t figure out how to move forward in your life…
If you long for the confidence to finally go after your dreams…
But you have NO CLUE how to go about getting there…
Then you’ll want to stay with me for every word on this page.
You may not see it, but you are a remarkable woman.
You have given your whole life for the sake of family, career or community. And you have done it willingly… engaging your whole self for the sake of others.
But now you find yourself feeling like the woman in the picture.
Boxed in. Fragile. Upended.
Maybe you have suffered a great loss or failure, and you just can’t seem to get past the pain that it has caused inside you.
Maybe you, like me, struggle with where you find yourself during this uncertain, insecure season we will remember as “The Pandemic of 2020.”
Or maybe you have:
Concerns for relationships and people in your life.
Fears that you will not be ok… in your health, your job, your relationships, etc.
Doubts that you will know what to do when a big decision faces you
Or… it could be any number of other things that tend to keep you tossing and turning all night long.
No matter what it is, you find yourself thinking,
Is this all there is? I thought I was made for MORE.
Have I done anything that really matters?
Sound familiar?
Do you have a dream… thinking you see a need you could help meet?
But you worry that if you try to do it, others will perceive it as not good enough?
Or that you don’t have what it takes to keep it going?
Maybe you are caught in the comparison trap…
always comparing yourself to others and never measuring up.
You find yourself saying…
If people find out what I’m really like, they won’t like me.
I can’t tell my real story to someone. They’ll judge me.
Honestly you don’t see anything about you and what you do that is REMARKABLE.
You feel invisible, unworthy, and lacking value.
You struggle to be heard above the noise of life.
You are tired of always having to stand up for yourself and the things that matter to you.
Girlfriend… You are not alone!
I have been there too - working hard to be all that God created me to be.
I did my best, rolled with the punches when challenges came, and pushed through to victories. When things didn’t go so well, I made corrections and moved on. Things weren’t perfect, but I was doing OK.
Then…everything flipped upside down!
My husband began experiencing gut-wrenching turmoil in his job. We found out one of our daughters was battling a dangerous health issue, and it was “all hands on deck” because we all needed some recovery.
Then my own health began to spiral downward until one day I found myself flat on the floor. Literally. My body totally quit. We discovered that I had developed an auto-immune disease – one I’ll have to deal with for the rest of my life.
Battling back from all that took a long time.
Just when I thought I was getting my feet under me, life pushed me hard again.
But this time… I couldn’t push back.
The final layer crushed me and left me in a heap when our youngest daughter, age 15, died suddenly in a car/pedestrian accident.
I was broken.
I yelled at God.
And then I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to talk to him at all.
I felt like hope had abandoned me and slammed the door on the way out.
The grief was EXHAUSTING!
Maybe you haven’t experienced crushing grief or the deep layers of loss like I did.
Your story could be more like Beth’s. Listen to her tell it…
“I had given 15 years of my life to a paid ministry position. It was a part-time job that took full time hours, but I didn’t care. I gave it my all. But now I was burned out. It didn’t excite me anymore. I didn’t know whether I just needed an “attitude adjustment” or if this was God’s way of telling me it was time to move on.
Leaving would be hard. I was comfortable where I was. And I was doing a good job. But then the decision was made for me. Downsized! My job was disappearing and I didn’t know where to go next. I felt unsettled, unsure of myself. I could think of a lot of jobs I DIDN’T want. But I had no clue what I did want.
Whatever your own personal situation, you just know you cannot stay where you are.
You’re STUCK… and you don’t like it.
Back to my story…
I was totally spent. Paralyzed by my loss.
Desperate to break out of the grief tunnel that threatened to swallow me whole. But I didn’t know how.
Then I heard a still, small voice. “Kathy, BE STILL!”
I finally stopped flailing around to break free. Stopped relying on my physical eyes.
And God revealed to me THE HOPE that was already showing up in my life.
I began to listen more… and discovered there were some things I could do, weak and spent as I was.
One of those things was to get help.
And that is exactly what I did. For the next 3 years I invested all my time and a lot of my money in doctors, psychologists and personal study. I read good books. I dug into my Bible and to prayer, searching for answers.
And God showed up! It was different than in the past.
Now he was bigger than I had ever thought - bigger than I had ever needed him to be before. But big enough and strong enough to lead me through.
It took day after day of painful trial and error, but I finally crawled out of that grief tunnel.
Fresh air! At last! Oh, the joy of freedom!
Today my life is far from perfect. But I have found hope again.
And I’m living a life of happiness and confidence. I’m no longer stuck!
When I look back on my difficult journey, I am convinced of one thing:
“If I’ve had to hurt this bad and go through all this to get better, it shouldn’t benefit just me. I want to help someone else. I want to make a difference. I want to influence my world with hope.”
That’s why I created the EnVision YOU Group :
a mentor group for women.
I’ve taken all I learned in my years of struggle and recovery and created a process to help you.find your own answers.
Here is the help you need!
You can not only survive but THRIVE – without all the painful trial and error I went through alone. You can learn from my journey and I’ll be with you in yours.
When you join this group, I’ll share with you month-to-month what it took me a lifetime to learn.
Now, I must warn you…you’re probably not going to be at 100% in one month. Although...for one woman, all it took was for me to teach her ONE of my techniques and she was good to go!
What I can tell you is that if you apply what I teach you, in one month you will begin feeling and thinking differently. After that, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you progress!
If this has all resonated with you, if you are saying, “Oh, that is so me right now!” then you, girlfriend, know “stuck.”
You know deep inside that there is MORE for you to be and do. You want to live the life you were made for. You want to show up for your spouse, your children, your friends. So much.
Listen…your future and your purpose are too important to stay where you are.
And I have some good news for you…
You can learn to accept and love yourself for who you really are.
You can get out of your head and leave failures and loss behind.
You can find the joy and confidence that comes from trusting God to do big things in and through you.
Your key to unlock all this is the EnVision YOU UnStuck Mentor Group for Women.
Here is the opportunity!
A Mentor Group for women
This is a 100% online coaching program.
It’s led personally by me, Kathy Burrus,
Certified Professional Life and Grief Coach since 2011, and author of Lovely Traces of Hope and EnVision YOU UnStuck and Confident.
It includes video training, live group coaching calls & an exclusive online community group plus so much more!
There is space for 4 more girlfriends to join.
Regular training videos / Personal Coaching
(retail value $1195)
Every month, I will either post a new video to your personal dashboard or arrange a personal followup coaching session with you to discuss the current trainings. Each video covers a different topic from the EnVision YOU UnStuck and Confident book.
Learn the reason why you can’t seem to move forward in your life, no matter how carefully you plan out your daily schedule or will yourself to change.
Get off the hamster wheel you’re on by examining these 6 areas of your life. What you learn will help you break free and get excited about your life again – no matter what your age or stage in life.
Discover a little-known formula that will keep you from ever being stuck again.
(for more information on the book, CLICK HERE.)
A digital copy of EnVision YOU UnStuck & Confident
(currently sold on amazon KINDLE for $9.99)
I give you the whole book in a digital file so you can follow along with the topics covered in the videos.
What really happens if you look back at where you came from? (HINT: You won’t turn into a pillar of salt like Lot’s wife from the Bible.)
The reason why the worst day of your life might actually be the key to the best day of your life. How to finally love the “bad” parts of your story.
A downloadable companion workbook
(retail value $24.95)
I created this workbook to give you a place to collect your thoughts and insights and to work on exercises I give that will help you turn learning into action.
Do you make these mistakes when you look at yourself in the mirror? Use this technique to see what God may be telling you about the woman you see looking back at you.
Get an inside-out selfie! Work through 5 surprisingly simple exercises that help you discover your true self. It only takes about 10 minutes for the picture to develop.
Discover the truth about getting in SHAPE. Chances are it’s not what you think it is – and it will definitely give you a better look than you ever thought possible.
TWO LIVE ZOOM coaching calls each month
(retail value $1195)
Sit around my virtual kitchen table and interact with other women in a comfortable and friendly setting. I’ll guide the discussion and everyone will be invited (but not required) to share. These calls will be held online via the Zoom platform. (Sound too “techy”? DON’T WORRY! We’re including something that will take away your tech fears and make it easy to join in! Keep reading!)
Better than the best coffee hour with your bff, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you bond with new friends who are all fighting similar battles.
Discover the single most effective path to banishing that sinking feeling that you may have wasted your life. And bring your new friends along for the ride.
The truth about accountability. Why it’s not such a scary word after all. And what NOT to do if you want it to work for you.
Monthly membership in the envision you private Facebook community
(retail VALUE $600)
I created this group to help you stay connected with me and other members of your group between meetings.
Facebook is so frustrating - full of judgement and bad news, right? Not always! Experience the helpful side of Facebook in a judgement-free zone where you can share without fear.
Looking for someone who will cheer with you when things go right and cry with you when they don’t? Find it in this group. This community is waiting to welcome you with open arms.
Do you wish you had a safe place to share things that inspire you? Use this group to post images, Scriptures, songs, and ideas. You may be surprised to find that what inspires you inspires others too!
Your own personal dashboard
(retail value $500)
You get a secure, private, online dashboard with your own login, where you can find all your course materials. Keep everything organized in one easy-to-navigate place!
The best way to thrive and bring lasting change is to take advantage of everything this program has to offer. Your dashboard is the secret sauce that will let you stay organized and on top of everything you get with this program – all the videos, recordings from the live calls, and all your downloadable materials – right at your fingertips!
Hoping for a way to step aside from the group and talk with me privately - ask a question or get help with a specific issue? No problem! Send me a message right from your dashboard and you’ll get a private line.
A special “how to handle the tech” video
(retail VALUE $100)
Baffled by the tech? No clue how to use Facebook groups or Zoom, or how to download and use the online files? Don’t let that stop you! I made you a video that walks you through all the steps.
There are just four skills you’ll need to confidently participate in all the parts of this program. And you can master them all in just a few minutes by watching this step-by-step video. I’ll cover how to log in, to how to download and use all the materials, how to navigate a Facebook group, and how to use Zoom to join the live coaching calls. You’ll be an expert in no time!
Camera-shy? Worried you won’t look or sound good on the live calls? Never fear! In this video I also teach you how to set up your computer, your environment and yourself so you can look and sound good online. Banish bad lighting. Mute sounds from the room around you. And find the best camera angle to minimize those double chins that drive you crazy!
Plus, when you register by August 31st
I’ll add these 2 bonuses FREE!
BONUS #1: A copy of my e-book What’s Your Story Telling You?
(retail VALUE $17)
The 3 most important things digging into your story will tell you about why you are the way you are…and how you can use them to shape a better future for yourself.
Did you know that events from your childhood can still be affecting you as an adult? I’ll show you how making those connections can boost your confidence and courage to a whole new level.
BONUS #2: Your Life Map
(retail VALUE $15)
A copy of the Life map tool outlined in What’s Your Story Telling You. Contains separate worksheets to map out significant events in your life.
What will looking at your life in a visual way do for you? You’ll be surprised at how excited you will feel about your life when you see how each event in your life (good and bad) connects to the other events.
Do you know that each of the events in your life (good and bad) serves a purpose? Use what you learn here to discover and appreciate your unique qualities.
BONUS #3: The Make My Difference Workbook
A workbook and companion spreadsheet tool to help you look at all the areas of your life.
How to look at the unique characteristics you possess and see them as skills and abilities that make you stand out – then go make your mark on your world!
You have more control than you think over your life – even if you have a boss, a spouse and a house full of kids who demand your attention every minute of the day. I’ll show you how you can take back control of each area of your life, and stop feeling like your life is not your own.
You'll receive access to the book, workbook and tech help video right away. You'll get instructions on how to log in to your personal dashboard. And you will receive an e-mail with information on how to join the private Facebook group.
Registration ends at midnight, August 31st, 2023
Training and coaching calls will begin September 12th. We'll send your bonuses right away, and if you act quickly, the fast action bonuses.
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.
I truly believe in this program
The EnVision YOU Group for Women comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
You will learn to accept and love who you are. You’ll be amazed by the peace you feel, even when life is storming all around you. Your friends and family will be talking about your newfound joy and confidence. And you will be excited to take new steps forward in your life, doing things you’ve always wanted to do. You will be delighted with what we do for you, or we will make it right. Guaranteed.
You may cancel your membership for any reason at any time, and you will have no further charges. If you cancel, you KEEP the book EnVision YOU: UnStuck and Confident and the workbook. You KEEP all the bonuses. The Life Map, “What’s Your Story Telling You” ebook, and the “Make My Difference” tools are yours to keep. The tech help video is yours. If you cancel, you will lose access to your dashboard. You will not be able to attend the group coaching sessions. Your membership to the private Facebook group will go away. But you will KEEP the book, workbook and ALL the bonuses. They are yours forever.
If you are not completely satisfied with the benefits you receive, I want you to contact me right away. Send me a message at along with your workbook pages for the first month. I will contact you immediately. We'll work with you to redesign a plan that gives you the value you paid to get.
There’s really no way for you to lose.
I’ve given you my 100% satisfaction guarantee, and you can cancel your membership at any time.
Remember Beth from the story above? What happened to her, you ask? I’ll let her tell you.
“After working with Kathy, I began to see a better picture of myself. I learned to accept that what felt easy and ordinary to me was actually extraordinary to others. And then God focused a spotlight very clearly on my path forward. I now have a job I love, and other people tell me every week how glad they are that I am doing it. It’s making a difference in their lives! I have learned how to win the battle over anxiety and “impostor syndrome.” I truly am living a life I love.” - Beth M.
"I have not historically given myself very much grace. At all. I think I should be able to do it. I don't know why I can't do it. Those were the messages, and when life cranked up, my pressure cooker really got high. I just, I just kind of short-circuited.
What's been so good about this is you all telling me "be gracious to yourself. You've been through another a trauma." It's like I couldn't see it when I was in it until there were people who understood it.
I guess I just haven't been in a group of people like this before that I really felt like I could be authentic with, or will just ask me the hard questions. That's been the biggest thing.
And then the length of time has been good too. It's not like it was a retreat and it was a quick fix. And I went back home and thought, oh, I can do this. You know, I'm pumped up.
This was more of a reckoning. I mean, it was like a pulling apart. And then I'm putting back in and all the while learning how to be more gracious to myself....
I'm proud of myself for going this far and doing all the steps. Maybe I had more luck with some steps than others. Some are more clear than others, but it's super important. So I am eternally grateful.".
Here’s the real truth you probably already know…
If you want different results than you’ve had, you need to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.
Consider how much better your life could be one year from now because you made the choice to join The EnVISION YOU Group for Women.
You don’t have to stay stuck in that cloud of confusion in your head.
You don't have to continue doubting your every move, always disappointed in yourself.
You don’t have to default to another night of Netflix because you don’t have the energy for anything else.
Choose to do something different! Your future is too important to stay stuck where you are.
Invest yourself in the EnVision YOU Group for Women. I’ve shown you that it worked for me, and it worked for other women.
Figure out where, how and why you’re stuck, so history doesn’t keep repeating itself. Then get out of your own way and start living the life you were meant to live.
Click the button below to sign up now. (You choose – by the month or for the whole year.) Registration ends at midnight, September 5th.
WHEN YOU SIGN UP BY August 31, you’ll recieve
That’s a retail value of over $3700.
When you sign up…
You’ll receive access to the book, workbook and tech help video right away. You'll get instructions on how to log in to your personal dashboard. And you will receive an e-mail with information on how to join the private Facebook group.
Early registration ends at midnight, June 27th. Training and coaching calls will begin July 11th.
We'll also send your bonuses right away,
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.
Let’s do this…together!
P.S. If you’re flat-out tired of feeling fragile, upended and stuck then I have GOOD NEWS for you! You can join The EnVISION YOU Group for Women led by Certified Professional Life & Grief Coach Kathy Burrus. Find yourself again and move forward into a life of happiness and confidence! Click below to sign up today. Early registration ends at midnight, June 27th, 2024.