EnVision YOU!
Green Hope Coaching with Kathy Burrus
wants to partner with you to help you
EnVision YOU: UnStuck and Confident
I'm guessing you are here because the idea of being unstuck AND confident connects with where you are right now. Chances are you have a longing within you to do something that matters. You desire to make a difference, as do I. Yet what we want to be and what we feel we must do in reality are are two different things.
I wish we could share a cup of tea as we compare stories. I’m sure we would find we have much in common. But I hope you have had an opportunity to read my new book called EnVision YOU: UnStuck and Confident.
We have spent a great deal of our lives trying to do things that mattered, yet every time we tried to take a step forward,we ended up struggling with a new stuck place. Or maybe it is an old stuck place that we thought we had dealt with, but now it has crept back into our lives as a new layer to be reckoned with.
Each time we hit that wall, or ceiling, or whatever stuck looks like today, we begin to question our direction and doubt our skills or abilities to get there. We get bogged down to the point of wanting to quit doing whatever we are doing and become consumed with the HARD STUFF and the STUCK PLACES.
Have you ever felt that way? Every time you take a step forward you find yourself dealing with another place of stuck as well?
I really thought that if I was doing what I was supposed to be doing, I wouldn’t have to worry about being stuck. Because I would… I don’t know ...maybe be so sure of myself, I wouldn’t get bogged down in the unimportant. I would be able to focus all my attention on the HARD work of success.
The reality is that every woman getting ready to take a new step becomes aware that while she wants to be doing the things that matter to her-- she is also feeling a new place of stuck.
To help you with your STUCK PLACES, I am offering:
EnVISION YOU: UnStuck and Confident
Private Coaching Trio
You may have read the book EnVision YOU: UnStuck and Confident.
You may even be doing the homework and discovering some amazing truths about yourself. Yet there is this THING you are not sure what to do with -
a next step
or stuck place
a thought process around a life message
an emotion that keeps getting in your way
You just aren't sure what to do with what you now know.
Schedule your EnVision YOU Trio package and lets partner together to identify the strategy and actions that will work best to answer your questions.
You can choose one of THREE ways:
1. THREE 60 minute sessions to be scheduled over three weeks or three months.
2. Or Two 75 minute sessions with one 30 min followup session.
3. Or One THREE Hour VIP session to take an in-depth dive into your stuck place or your goals for next steps.
All THREE of these options can be done over the phone or video chat - or if you are local, we can consider a live visit.
Normally this would be a $300 value, but the GREEN HOPE Special price through Nov 30th is a $40 savings. You can start now or wait till after the holidays. To receive the special rate payment must be made through the 30th of November.
Just sign up below- and let me know which option works best for you