WHY do I do that?

This is a followup to the “DO I LOOK SCARY TO YOU?” video I posted yesterday.
(originally written FEB 22, 2015 still true in 2021)

Maybe I’m the only one (though I doubt it) that rubs shoulders with a mom, or leader or life coach that seems to really have it all together. Then I spend the next 48 hours comparing all the things I don’t like about myself to all the stuff that is great about her.


comparing insides to outsides (2).png

I had that experience last week.  Knocked me right off my feet for a while-actually it messed up my comfort zone.  Suddenly I was discontent with everything about me- my business, my energy level, my opportunities, even my appearance.

Why? Why can I be blessed by another woman and her gifts and abilities and then struggle to find contentment with myself?

WHY does someone else’s success threaten mine?

Maybe it is because….

  • I’m not content with me anyway. There is always that struggle to be more and do more and have more. Maybe I am wishing I was more even before meeting ‘the other woman’ but she just made me very aware of it.

  • Maybe I don’t think I am enough- good enough, pretty enough, business minded enough. I’ve struggled with those 3 words all my life. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. That’s not her fault. That is a lie that the Lord has been replacing with His truth for many years now.

  • Maybe I’m jealous. She’s beautiful, talented, younger, able to juggle so much of life. She’s out there, recognized, and already written the book. Mine is still in my head sketched out on my computer.


I know all of my weaknesses, but all I know about her are what I see on the outside.  And if the truth be known, I realized:

  1. I couldn’t DO the things she does even if I wanted to.

  2. I wouldn’t be happy doing what she does because I wasn’t made to even think with the energy she thinks with.

  3. Some of what she does is similar to what i do. But much of it is edgy, exciting, powerful and making a real difference.

My style is altogether different.
My vision is taking me a different direction.
My message is a different message.
And yes, I’m making a difference in another way.

Can we partner together to give a more complete picture of who God is and the work He wants to do in the lives of people- particularly women today?  Absolutely!

Can her gifts compliment mine as we encourage and strengthen one another. You bet!

Do I enjoy having her in my life? I sure have.  She inspires me to conquer the fear and do it anyway.  She sets the bar and challenges me to step up my game.

She makes me better.  But she doesn’t want me to be her.  I don’t want her to be me.

We are each unique!  And the better we understand our uniqueness-es and our own beauty, the sooner we can help to empower one another and the ministry for which God has created us.

Whew! I’m glad I got through that! The next time I’m tempted to compare myself to someone else, (because there will always be a next time)  I might be able to let it go more quickly and get on with being me!

How about you?  How are you doing in the area of comparison?

Are you content with you? Do you give the Lord thanks for who He created you to be?  Do you recognize the influence you have in your world.