There are days when we just aren’t ourselves. We are experiencing something, but we aren’t sure what, and honestly, we haven’t taken time to figure it out. So… Let’s start with identifying what we are feeling.
When A Pickle Jar Teaches Priorities
Are you focusing on what truly matters in your life?
Dive with me into the powerful "big rocks" illustration to be reminded how to prioritize the things that count—both in our personal lives and in our faith. Using a simple yet profound analogy of filling a jar with big rocks, little rocks, sand, and water, we explore how trying to fit in everything without prioritizing leaves no room for the most important things.
I put my own personal twist using a pickle jar to illustrate
Remembering EnVision YOU Launch September 2019
Five years ago, I had the joy of introducing my EnVision YOU book and butterfly out into the world. Getting to launch my 2nd book, EnVision YOU, at TRIBEWRITER 2019 with Jeff Goins was such a thrill. He hosted five Tribewriter conferences. I attended all five.
I attended TW (Tribewriter) 2015 because I had a book in me that was burning a hole in my heart. The message I heard from Jeff that year was “You are a Writer.” I wasn’t sure I believed it, but I made a commitment.
I came to TW #2 (2016) with my first book...
the Metamorphosis of a Green HOPE Woman
A butterfuly experiences the remarkable transformation called metamorphosis (a process some animals go throu to become adults) only one time.
egg -> caterpillar -> chrysalis -> butterfly.
It’s their entire lifetime.
We humans may go through this procedss multiple times in our lives. Of course, we understand the changes…
EnVision YOU turned THREE!
Three years ago, the little butterfly on the cover of my 2nd book took flight.
EnVision YOU: UNstuck and Confident
I hadn’t planned on writing another book. Who am I kidding, I hadn’t planned on writing the first book (Lovely Traces of Hope) Being an author had never been on my bucket list.
WHY do I do that?
I had that experience last week. Knocked me right off my feet for a while-actually it messed up my comfort zone. Suddenly I was discontent with everything about me- my business, my energy level, my opportunities, even my appearance.
Why? Why can I be blessed by another woman and her gifts and abilities and then struggle to find contentment with myself?
WHY does someone else’s success threaten mine?
Maybe it is because….
Do I look scary to you?
We all have those women in our life that might intimidate us. They seem to have it all together and we feel 'less than' somehow when we compare ourselves to them.
Come to find out - one lady that was my scary woman, actually told me I was hers. Oh my! I mean it is great that someone - anyone would think i have my act together.
But I know me. I know the real me - the messy me…
Put your hands back down! You are not done!
Kathy, put your hands back down! You're not done!"
That's the message I heard on Friday, September 13th, 2019. It was a time when I felt like IT - the launch of my new book, the doing the next thing, overcoming the next stuck place - was bigger than I was.
I was ready to throw my hands up and walk away.
What is your typical response when you feel STUCK?
The irony of this video is…
Broken & Flawed... but Priceless!
I am broken.
I don’t know if I ever truly felt broken before Leisha died.
I think perhaps in my pumping sunshine (Ren’s word for my positive outlook) way of looking at the world, I most often felt like whatever was wrong with the world God would find a way of making it right.
But since losing my child, I am very aware that God has not taken away the pain I have felt, nor would I want him too. It is part of the love relationship I had with my daughter. I miss her in my life because of my deep love for her.
Even if I will forever feel broken.
I'm flawed.
I take it back to Adam and Eve.
Here they were - the perfect couple in the perfect garden.
They had no baggage. They had no past life. They had no history that hurt them.
They were completely free of all of that.
And they still were flawed
You ARE Remarkable!
Deep down I know you know this, but sometimes life circumstances and challenges send us mixed signals. Every once in a while it is just nice to be reminded. You are remarkable!
Remarkable: worthy of being noticed as being uncommon or extraordinary
You are here because you believe you were made to make a difference in your world. But something is keeping you from living it out.
you may feel…