EnVision YOU: UnStuck and Confident

Put your hands back down! You are not done!

Kathy, put your hands back down! You're not done!"

That's the message I heard on Friday, September 13th, 2019. It was a time when I felt like IT - the launch of my new book, the doing the next thing, overcoming the next stuck place - was bigger than I was.

I was ready to throw my hands up and walk away.

What is your typical response when you feel STUCK?

The irony of this video is…

Thank you REMARKABLE WOMEN of EnVision You!

If you have been hanging out in my world of late, you have felt the flurry of excitement as I introduced my new book, EnVision YOU: UnStuck and Confident, to my world. Two months ago I began inviting women into the launch team to help this little butterfly take wing. But as is usually the case, so much was happening long before the blitz of the Launch.

I want you to meet some of the people- mostly women - who have been part of this process with me over the past year. I know i have mentioned some of these in the acknowledgments for the book, but I want to say …

Ever had a friend you wished you knew better...!

I first met Nancy five years ago at the very first TRIBEWRITER conference, which my community knows that has been a big part of my writing journey. However, at that first conference, Nancy and I probably didn't say more than five words to one another even though from the first time we made eye contact, I felt like we had made a connection. We went the whole weekend without really getting acquainted.

t just happened that as the conference was ending, we passed each other and I took a chance to speak to her.

Let Me Tell You About My New Book

If you have been following my blog, or my facebook pages, or talked to me personally over the last few weeks, you already know that I am in the process of launching my newest book,
EnVision YOU: UnStuck and Confident .

If by some chance you are just hearing for the first time, you might have some questions. Here are a few I’ve been getting from potential readers.


For me this is a Significant day - not an ordinary day in any sense of the word! I’ve shared some of this in my last blog post called Five Years Later . But it seems important to include some of it here again because it is such a key part of my journey. Heads up - this is a long one. But I am an author now.

It is the Last day of TRIBE FIVE (a conference for writers and creatives put on my Jeff Goins and his team). It is the last day of the last conference. He's up to something else- we just don't know what - yet.

 On the last day of the first conference, I heard Jeff say,

“You are a writer when you say you are a writer.”

So I said I was a writer.

EnVision YOU: UnStuck and Confident

What does it even look like to live and work confidently to make a difference in our world?  What does it feel like to step into our uniqueness, our beauty that forms the foundation for our confidence?

I imagine it feels something like a butterfly must feel as she spreads her wings for the first time and finds freedom to soar higher than ever before.

Can you put yourself in the wings of a butterfly? Imagine what that moment must be like?

What does it feel like to take bold next steps with that kind of confidence?

That thought came to me …