(Day 1) Join me for 30 DAYS OF GREEN HOPE

Day 1 of 30 DAYS OF GREEN HOPE series

Because sometimes you need to not do it alone. Join me for 30 Days of Green HOPE!

On August 16th, it will be 15 years since our daughter Leisha ran off to heaven. I have been ‘celedreading’ this year for 15 years. The anniversary that marks that she had lived as long as she has been gone.

From past experience, I know that anniversaries and birthdays can throw a grieving momma for a loop. I can go into the depths of the grief tunnel all over again if I’m not careful. Now I know that I will always be a greiving momma! I can’t NOT be a grieving momma just because she was my baby and I will always feel the loss of her different than anyone else in my life. It doesn’t make my loss more or ‘righter’ -
it is just my own.

This year, I really want…

When Your Holiday Isn't Hallmark!

This new year I am unexpectedly spending time with my parents, My 85 year old father spent the weekend in the hospital and we are struggling alongside him as he tries to gain some ground on the issues that are threatening his quality of life.

One year ago during the Christmas holiday,. Rennie was in the James Center recovering from a stroke. I’m thrilled to say he has made a full recovery. I reread a post I wrote one night sitting by my husband’s hospital bed. The events of last Christmas are speaking boldly into the emotions I have as I watch my father labor to do the ‘right stuff’ to cooperate with us and the health professionals.

My own words have challenged me to rethink this moment, just as I was challenged one year ago. I thought you might benefit from reading them again too.


We are living in an unprecedented time in our world today. This is a season we will not soon forget - nor should we. However, often we get so caught up surviving the ‘moments’, we do forget to pay attention to what we are noticing in the middle of it all.

So what if we use this time to pay attention- not just to this moment, but to the moments in our lives that are even now speaking into what and how we are experiencing this uncertain time.

What are the moments when God showed up and touched the very heart of you?

Think about the significant moments in your past; moments you remember

When the Holiday Isn't Hallmark!

I really love a feel good story and Hallmark Christmas movies have always been something I enjoy. ( I don't even feel bad if you are judging me because of it.) We all want the good guy to win, the hero to save the day or the magic of 'that kiss'.  But we also know life doesn't always show up that way. 

I'm writing this to you while I'm sitting in the OSU James Med Center and my husband lies in a hospital bed beside me. He was life-flighted here on Friday for

Ever had a friend you wished you knew better...!

I first met Nancy five years ago at the very first TRIBEWRITER conference, which my community knows that has been a big part of my writing journey. However, at that first conference, Nancy and I probably didn't say more than five words to one another even though from the first time we made eye contact, I felt like we had made a connection. We went the whole weekend without really getting acquainted.

t just happened that as the conference was ending, we passed each other and I took a chance to speak to her.

In a Cabin called Hope

On Friday, August 16th, I spent the day in the DEEP WOODS. It is a spiritual retreat center located in the woods behind my church. In the fall of 2012, our friends and family helped us to build the 3rd cabin that is available for personal, spiritual retreats.

The cabin is called HOPE.

The reason I was there on August 16th was the 13th anniversary of my daughter, Leisha’s home-going.

Honoring My Grief

Something changed March 31st.

I didn’t think much of it at first until it was April 5 and I was still ‘down’ (exhausted, weak, unable to think clearly or make a decision) I’ve had those symptoms happen before. I struggle with them periodically, but I felt like I was doing better.

And then I wasn’t.

And I haven’t been all month.

I’ve done the things I have to do. I take an extra dose of the meds I need to manage ‘stress’ (that’s what you do when you have Addison’s disease, because my body doesn’t do that anymore.) I muster up enough energy to speak or teach or coach or write-

and then I sleep. A lot.

Being the question-asker that I am, I have tried to determine why I am ‘down’ and why for so long. I attributed it to some new meds I’m taking, or the weather change or … I have a rather long list of things I could mention here.

But then my husband says,

Who Am I to...?

…The thought occurred to me.  I am hosting a webinar (Thursday night 8:00pm)t about how to deal with days just like this. Days that are hard and everything seems harder and you are gritting your teeth just to get through it.

And here I am having one of those days.

Who am I to try to help people who are having those days when I have those days?…

My Gift to you, GHC world!

Eight years ago today… 
I posted my first blog introducing you to Green Hope Coaching with Kathy Burrus.  Officially GHC opened it's doors on 1/11/11.  But I didn't tell my virtual world until 1/22/11.  I like to celebrate this whole month the GHC anniversary- or a birthday- or whatever you call it when your business baby turns 8 years old.  

I'm celebrating by offering you a free gift to support you in the middle of this winter season. Sometimes the challenges we feel during the dark winter days can become pretty intense. While the journey through hard stuff can feel lonely- we don't have to be alone. Join me from the comfort of your own home,

Thursday, January 24th at 8:00pm
for a F.R.E.E. LIVE

Details in the video, or you can register here.
Save your spot- space is limited.

The WINTER WEBINAR is part of my GREEN HOPE GATHERING series that I plan to do each month of 2019 discussing various topics.  This month we will be talking about how to manage the dark, sometimes dreariness of winter that leaves us feeling more isolated and alone.  (Though as I am writing this, it is a beautifully crisp, sunny day after a big snow. The sunshine is good for the soul. ) 

But how do we handle the 'stuff' that we experience during this season when the days are beginning to get longer,  and the sun does shine, but not quite?  

Join me as we celebrate - and support one another during these winter months. Click here to find out more.