
When A Pickle Jar Teaches Priorities

Are you focusing on what truly matters in your life?

Dive with me into the powerful "big rocks" illustration to be reminded how to prioritize the things that count—both in our personal lives and in our faith. Using a simple yet profound analogy of filling a jar with big rocks, little rocks, sand, and water, we explore how trying to fit in everything without prioritizing leaves no room for the most important things.

I put my own personal twist using a pickle jar to illustrate

Remembering EnVision YOU Launch September 2019

Five years ago, I had the joy of introducing my EnVision YOU book and butterfly out into the world. Getting to launch my 2nd book, EnVision YOU, at TRIBEWRITER 2019 with Jeff Goins was such a thrill. He hosted five Tribewriter conferences. I attended all five. 

I attended TW (Tribewriter) 2015 because I had a book in me that was burning a hole in my heart. The message I heard from Jeff that year was “You are a Writer.” I wasn’t sure I believed it, but I made a commitment.

I came to TW #2 (2016) with my first book...