"I Am a Writer". Thank you Jeff! Thank you TRIBEWRITER Girlfriends!
Five years ago, I had the joy of introducing my EnVision YOU book and butterfly out into the world. Getting to launch my 2nd book, EnVision YOU, at TRIBEWRITER 2019 with Jeff Goins was such a thrill. He hosted five Tribewriter conferences. I attended all five.
I attended TW (Tribewriter) 2015 because I had a book in me that was burning a hole in my heart. The message I heard from Jeff that year was “You are a Writer.” I wasn’t sure I believed it, but I made a commitment.
I came to TW #2 (2016) with my first book, Lovely Traces of Hope! I had been trying to write it and publish it for almost 10 years. That year I got it done.
But between TW #3 (2017) & #4 (2018) I floundered. I wanted so much to put my grief on a shelf now that I had “written the book” and be able to move on, but I felt stuck. Every step forward I felt tethered to another stuck thought or mindset, another skill or resource I needed.
I tried to SHOW UP - Don’t Quit - Don’t starve which was the message I got from TW #3. But I was starving. because I wasn’t showing up consistently.
At TW #4, I heard Jeff talk about how we work so hard to be the 'greatest showman' and yet we really only accomplish that by being who we really are.
I sat in my seat at TRIBE #4 as I listened to author of Fierce Faith, Alli Worthington, share with us that God has given each of us a field to work. She gave descriptions of different fields and I saw the previous 2 years of my life. I wanted desperately to be in an easier field. To do anything but what was right in front of me.
STUCK PLACES- hard places- rocky places
I began to sense that perhaps this place of STUCK was the place I was supposed to be. Not that I was supposed to stay STUCK, but that the issues of STUCK were indeed what I was supposed to be doing. To help my woman become UNstuck.
(I wrote more about all that on some blog posts from 2019.
If you still want to know more you can use the links below.)
I went home and started writing EnVISION YOU UNstuck and Confident. Five years to the day after I declared I was a writer, I had the privilege of launching my 2nd book at TW #5 (2019)- the final TRIBEWRITER Conference. This was such a gift.
Below, I'm reposting the LIVE video I did that day, in part to remind myself of what it meant for me to become UNstuck and then to confidently share it with my world.
But this is an invitation for you to look back also.
What was STUCK five years ago? What did it feel like?
What is different today because of what you did 5 years ago?
Who are the ‘champions’ in your life that helped you take your next steps?
What do you want to be different 5 years from now?
(Leave your comments below)
#EnVisionYOU ##UNstuck #creatingripplesmakingwaves #thankyouJeffGoins #Tribewriter
Struggling to get UNstuck? Check out the new EnVISION YOU group starting soon. Click here for details. Do it NOW!