My Ordinary Mom!

Tomorrow we will celebrate the life of my momma! I have been at a loss for words since her passing. How do you pay tribute to the woman who not only gave you life, but supported you through it your entire life. So I am sharing a post I wrote for her birthday in 2014. Heads up! It’s long. Yet it is only a glimpse of the legacy she has left to me - and to my family.

Originally posted on OCTOBER 23, 2014 

I know- you are looking at this title and wondering if I just dissed my mother!   Well, let me tell you about her!

EnVision YOU turned THREE!

Three years ago, the little butterfly on the cover of my 2nd book took flight.

EnVision YOU: UNstuck and Confident

I hadn’t planned on writing another book. Who am I kidding, I hadn’t planned on writing the first book (Lovely Traces of Hope) Being an author had never been on my bucket list.

We are Celebrating!!

Eleven years ago I had no idea what was in store for me as I declared publicly to my world that I was opening a private coaching practice called GREEN HOPE COACHING.

On 1-11-11 I stepped out into an adventure I had never even imagined until just weeks before that. I knew I wanted to do something to make a difference in my world, because it is important to me to use my voice and my message to bring value to my world.

I just never fathomed how that journey might possibily change mine.

Seeing GREEN HOPE in a Brown World

The holiday season can be so hard, but especially if you have lost - or feel like you are losing someone you love. Early this season, I was invited to share with a hospice group in Texas ways we can SEE GREEN HOPE this brown holiday. Take a listen.

How is HOPE showing up for you this week? I would love to hear what HOPE looks like for you?

WHY do I do that?

I had that experience last week. Knocked me right off my feet for a while-actually it messed up my comfort zone. Suddenly I was discontent with everything about me- my business, my energy level, my opportunities, even my appearance.

Why? Why can I be blessed by another woman and her gifts and abilities and then struggle to find contentment with myself?

WHY does someone else’s success threaten mine?

Maybe it is because….

Do I look scary to you?

We all have those women in our life that might intimidate us. They seem to have it all together and we feel 'less than' somehow when we compare ourselves to them.

Come to find out - one lady that was my scary woman, actually told me I was hers. Oh my! I mean it is great that someone - anyone would think i have my act together.

But I know me. I know the real me - the messy me…

Put your hands back down! You are not done!

Kathy, put your hands back down! You're not done!"

That's the message I heard on Friday, September 13th, 2019. It was a time when I felt like IT - the launch of my new book, the doing the next thing, overcoming the next stuck place - was bigger than I was.

I was ready to throw my hands up and walk away.

What is your typical response when you feel STUCK?

The irony of this video is…

I hear Leisha

Thirty plus years ago, when we were trying to figure out what to name our 3rd daughter, I recalled a musical written by Michael W. Smith and Andy Stanley called The Big Picture: A Youth Musical about God's Providence.

It is the story of a group of young people who are dealing with two teens from their group being in a tragic car accident. The boy was in the hospital. The girl had been killed. Her name was Leesha. (You can find more about this in my book Lovely Traces of Hope ) There was a song in the musical called "I hear Leesha".

We felt like the world needed another Leesha who was sold out for the Lord and making a difference in her world. So we chose that name, and changed the spelling to LEIsha.

I told the Lord, "I never want to use this song at my teen age daughter's funeral".

But we did!

(Day 7) When HOPE is Family and Flowers - and Vulnerable

Day 7 30 Days of Green Hope

C.S. Lewis writes 'to love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will b wrung and possibly broken..."

Oh that can be so very hard to live out. But I have been reminded today that I would rather live in the messy, beautiful, full of all the feels relationships in my life, than not to have known the deep love that can result.

How do Family and Flowers teach me about that today? Well, you will have to listen to find out.

What / or who is challenging you in the love dept. today? What choice will you make - to be 'safe and probably motionless and airless and 'unbroken' - or to risk the possibility of being broken and vulnerable? Neither way is easy. But one is LOVE!

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